ABC Forms - Complete Non-Profit Forms - AR (DL)
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ABCTM forms are a complete set of all necessary, easy-to-fill-out, non-profit formation template forms that ensure a successful business-filing acceptance with the Secretary of State’s office and compliance of state laws of Arkansas. ABC forms are devoted to your business start-up, structure, surety, survival and success. Our philosophy: the easier an entrepreneur can exit the creation process, the more creative, excited, sound and successful the company’s formation.
ABC forms are prefatory to our M.A.D.E.TM in the USA system. The M.A.D.E.™ method comprises four essential Industry areas (Marketing, Advertising, Design and E-commerce), which combine to guarantee your business success in today’s technology-driven marketplace. Any product or service begins this pipeline-style process as a passive idea then quickly and affordably channels through to become an active self-sustaining, money-making business.
With 21 years of experience in advertising, consulting, marketing, talent and training industries, Larry Freeman personally models his message having used this same set of forms and system to create and transform his ideas into several, successful private business endeavors all with a successful first filing.
- Articles of Incorporation Filing Cover Letter - AR
- Articles of Incorporation - AR
- Bylaws - Non-Member - AR
- Minutes of Organizational Meeting - AR
- Board of Directors Meeting Notes - AR
“ABC forms”: Larry Freeman, through countless hours of research, development and experience, has created a complete set of all necessary, easy-to-fill-out, downloadable, non-profit formation template forms that ensure a successful business-filing acceptance with the Secretary of State’s office and compliance of state laws of Arkansas. ABC forms are devoted to your business start-up, structure, surety, survival and success.
ABC forms: Downloadable AR Non-Profit Formation Template Forms, 27 pages, Microsoft Word Template Document