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Nothing Good Withheld...Life (DL)

Nothing Good Withheld...Life (DL)
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Tired of weak, only-a-swig-left-in-the-carton, watered-down attempts at inspiration that neither quenches your thirst nor address your situation?  Tired of craving a nutritious full-course meal, yet force fed only dessert?  Look no further as Nothing Good Withheld...Life will appease your appetite and satisfy your very soul.  Every morsel of this booklet/journal serial will leave you full of knowledge, wisdom, understanding and identification of good that exists in your current life.

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." - Matthew 5:6 (KJV)

Do you desire the “Good Life”, concern yourself with giving “good” things to others, aver value for the “good” you give, or question if you even deserve “good” in this “life”?  If halted at either divergent road in life, then Nothing Good Withheld will answer your life’s questions so that right paths can be more easily chosen.  This will grant your manifest destiny quicker in efforts to bring about family peace, individual peace of mind and posterity.  Our sensational series endeavors to answer your “how-to”, “where-to” and “why” questions through confirmational, conversational and directive writings.

"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it." - Proverbs 3:27 (KJV)

Larry D. Freeman, e-Journal, 2006, 5.5 x 8.5, 48 pages, ISBN 0-9765402-6-6

Format/Binding e-Journal (PDF Format)
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"Having it all doesn't necessarily mean having it all at once."

-Stephanie Luetkehans

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